Monday, March 2, 2009

Not Me! Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by this fantastic lady! You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

This is most definitely not my first "Not Me! Monday!". I have not been reading MckMama's posts for weeks now and I certainly have not wanted to post all this time but yet haven't. Not me!

This morning there is no way that I set my alarm for 6, only to push the snooze button and roll out of bed at 6:40. I would never do that.

And, after arriving at work, I did not spend the whole day thinking about how nice it would be to be curled up in my bed. I was certainly wide awake and ready to take on the world! I also did not butcher my way through a conversation with a hispanic family and hope that I really understood half of what I thought I heard.

When I got home, I of course stayed completely off the computer and immediately started my housework. I then proceeded to make a gourmet 7 course dinner, which I kept perfectly warm until Husband came home. There is no way that I googled a recipe for pork chops, picked the easiest one, dumped a can of soup on top of 4 pork chops, stuck it in the oven and called it good! Absolutely not!

To end the day, I spent the evening reading great literature and poetry and enhancing my literary capabilities. I would never watch spend my time watching party of five episodes and surfing the internet. Not me!

What about you?

Less is More

I'm afraid if I start rambling too much, it might turn into whining.

It's been a long day.

I've been thinking lately about how LESS really can be MORE. In more ways than one.

Here are some things I want to use less of, so that I can have more of them:
-paper towels (though I'm toying with getting rid of them all together)
-money (I guess that's kind of a "duh" one)
-fabric softener sheets
-gas for the car
-cleaning supplies
-laundry detergent
-toilet paper

By reading the above list, it sure sounds like I plan to have a dirty house and family! Yeozers. That's not what I mean at all, but simply that I want to learn how to use those things wisely, and as sparingly as possible, without sacrificing cleanliness.

Just a concept I'm working on.

On the other hand - I'm also trying to figure out why I feel so badly that I'm not involved in more? I am completely confident that God has called me to help my Husband as he makes his way through school. I am completely confident that I can glorify God while doing my job. I am completely crazy about the hobbies and friends that I give my spare time to. So why do I feel bad when I don't sign up for that extra committee at work? Or when I don't want to go to another bible study because I'd rather stay home with my Husband, even while he's studying?

I don't think God wants me to feel this way. I hear Him saying Beloved Daughter, Rest in Me. Your worth comes from Me. Let Me fill you. You are Mine.

Now if only I can let it sink in...

Less is More.