Monday, March 2, 2009

Less is More

I'm afraid if I start rambling too much, it might turn into whining.

It's been a long day.

I've been thinking lately about how LESS really can be MORE. In more ways than one.

Here are some things I want to use less of, so that I can have more of them:
-paper towels (though I'm toying with getting rid of them all together)
-money (I guess that's kind of a "duh" one)
-fabric softener sheets
-gas for the car
-cleaning supplies
-laundry detergent
-toilet paper

By reading the above list, it sure sounds like I plan to have a dirty house and family! Yeozers. That's not what I mean at all, but simply that I want to learn how to use those things wisely, and as sparingly as possible, without sacrificing cleanliness.

Just a concept I'm working on.

On the other hand - I'm also trying to figure out why I feel so badly that I'm not involved in more? I am completely confident that God has called me to help my Husband as he makes his way through school. I am completely confident that I can glorify God while doing my job. I am completely crazy about the hobbies and friends that I give my spare time to. So why do I feel bad when I don't sign up for that extra committee at work? Or when I don't want to go to another bible study because I'd rather stay home with my Husband, even while he's studying?

I don't think God wants me to feel this way. I hear Him saying Beloved Daughter, Rest in Me. Your worth comes from Me. Let Me fill you. You are Mine.

Now if only I can let it sink in...

Less is More.

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