Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Walk in My Shoes

Take a walk with me over the past week or so...
(and this post is totally out of order because I am so frustrated with loading pictures on the site...any ideas?)

These are my wedding shoes..

I am super excited! Husband is taking me away for 3 whole days to celebrate our first anniversary! Yay!

And these are the adorable shoes that Husband bought me for our Anniversary...3 months after I mentioned I liked them in another state when we were on a trip! Adorable!

First Anniversary was Monday. Good day, though Husband had to go to school 9am-9pm. I worked on getting the house back in order after finally having power again. Made a goulash of sorts...turned out okay. It's hard to get back in the swing of cooking again after eating out for so long with no power. We have our last Foster Care class this week...and then we leave for the aforementioned trip! Can I tell you how excited I am to be out of the house for a few days?

Not exactly shoes...

Some of Husband's family came down over the past weekend and brought us a very belated wedding gift - a hand-painted bowl from this beautiful lady. And it matches our living room/kitchen perfectly! But most importantly, it has taken the place of our TV. Yes, our TV now resides in the garage! I was convicted over the weekend that I need to spend more time investing myself in quality activities...and most TV shows don't exactly make the cut. So we moved it out to the garage. Trial run, but I'm pretty sure I won't be disappointed. Got to sacrifice for things more worthwhile, yes?

My running shoes...

I started running again. Especially when Husband works late, it's nice to get a run in before he gets home. I need to start running earlier though - it's getting dark too early! My legs feel it, that's for sure.

The cutest, most comfortable nursing crocs in the world.

We had to work all week...with only half power! As a public health nurse, I dealt with quite a few families without power. Tough times for people who aren't used to Hurricanes in their backyards! We were out of power from Sun - Wed, as were my parents. We spend a lot of time over at their house running the generator, as they were off spending 3 weeks gallivanting in Michigan! Good for them!

So much for my creative post. I can't figure out how to get the post to format the way I want. I think I must be missing something. But it will half to wait...the evening is much to short to spend it all working on a computer problem!


  1. Too, too cute! I seriously need to raid your shoe collection. ;) Happy (belated) Anniversary!

  2. I love those crocs! I just had to retire my cheap-o Target crocs because they broke. *sob, sob* What a great idea for a post!
