Saturday, June 20, 2009

4 months?

So - 4 months later...

I'm not going to let myself give excuses - life get's busy and sometimes there are more important things than keeping up on my blog :)

gasp...i know - quite a radical thought!

In the last four months:

-we had our first foster care experience! I fell in love with a 16 month old and a 26th month old. Absolutely precious. We only had them for a week, but I would have liked to love them forever. Another post coming up on all the things that you learn from instantly becoming parents to two under the age of 3.

-Husband has completed his first full year of school! With all A's! I am SO proud of how hard he is working for our family. He is actually taking his first "pre-pharmacy" test this month to prepare for his application to pharmacy school. I know he will do quite well!

-We have successful converted to almost completely using the homemade laundry soap. My next goal is to sew some simple cloth napkins and begin integrating those. Since we ran out of our current package of paper napkins, I figure now is as good a time as any!

-My garden is flourishing! This is the first year I have ever really invested in a vegetable garden. I am finding it quite therapeutic! We have already eaten 1 strawberry, and have countless tomatoes, strawberrys, and beans on the way. Basil plants are more like bushes, and our butternut squash and mini-pumpkins are just starting to thrive (my very first things to start from seeds). We're just kind of learning as we go, but it is lots of fun!

The plan for today is to make one of my favorite recipes - strawberry applesauce salad, and try a new one - lemon bars! Pictures to follow!

Blessings on your day - I pray you too are able to see God at work around you!


  1. Sounds like you're busy indeed!! Just curios but are you guys going to foster to adopt? I have several friends doing this right now and they're loving it!!

  2. We may at some point, but for now, we're simply doing the respite care. With my Husband in school full time, we may have some changes coming up in the next couple years, and we're not quite ready for that yet. The respite care works out perfectly because we still get to build relationships and love on the kids, but we're not committed long term in case we have to move or our availability changes. These kids already have so much disruption in their lives, we'd hate to have them disrupted more we when can prevent it! But yes, someday we'd love to foster long term and even adopt!
