Sunday, February 15, 2009

Love is in the air... it's only been about 3 months since my last post. Promise you won't hold it against me?

I've even decided not to feel bad about it! If focusing on Husband and enriching our marriage needs to come first, then so be it!

That being's been a very interesting last couple of weeks.

...We are finally approved to be foster parents! Yay!!!!!!!!! However, we have not had a placement yet. We've gotten about 6 calls, but the first 5 were all outside of our placement range (we are licensed for 0-8, up to 2 kids). It was finally discovered that we were listed on their "white board' as being licensed for 0-14, up to 3 kids. Seeing as we have only the one twin bed and crib, I don't see that working real well. But they were fabulous and now that we have the age/number figured out, the calls are getting more specific. The agency has had a lot of turn over in the past year, and it seems like they are now getting settled. I have gotten to meet the case manager and she is super nice, as is the parent recruiter that calls me on the phone with the new possible placements. This is how the "almost placement" of last week went (kind of):

Tues -

Recruiter: "Do you think that you could take a 4 year old with some behavioral problems?"

Me: "Let me talk to Husband about it. I will call you back tomorrow".

(later that night)

Me: "They have a possible 4 year old placement. What do you think? He is healthy, but does have some behavioral problems. He's been through quite a lot".

Husband: "I don't know, it's kind of scary to think about! This is the first child that we have even been able to think about saying yes to."

Me: " I know. Sometimes I wonder if it's God saying it's not the right child or if it's my fear holding me back"

Husband: "Let's pray about it and you can call the caseworker tomorrow with the questions we have".

(much praying and sleeping)

Wed -

Me to the Recruiter: "We talked about it, and it's definitely a possiblility, but we have a couple questions. Our biggest question is do you think this child would be able to be in daycare or babysit 5 days a week. With Husband in school full time and me working full time right now, that's the only option we have."

Recruiter: "That's a good question. I will have to check with the caseworker and get back to you"

Later on Wed -

Recruiter: "Well, I spoke with the caseworker and he thinks that this child really needs to be with a family where one parent will be consistently home."

Me: "I agree - we want what's best for this child. We'll just keep praying and waiting for the right child for us!"

Later that night -

Me to Husband: "Well, I guess that wasn't the right child for us"

Husband: "No, but I think God was growing us. Getting us ready to say yes"

Me: "Now I guess we just wait for the right child to be sent to us"

Friday (the same week) -

Recruiter: "We discussed it and think you might be the right family for this child. Could you take this child if we are able to help you find child care?"

Me: "Let me talk about it with my husband and I'll get back to you in an hour"

Me to Husband: "Well, they now want us to take him again. What do you think?"

Husband: "I don't know what to think! We were so sure that God was saying no to this child!"

Me: "I know. But do we now look at it as though He's saying yes? I even have the next four days off from work - is that a God thing?"

Husband: "I don't know. I think it's my fear holding us back. The verse that keeps coming back to me is "I can do all things...".

Much silence and prayer -

Husband: "Well, I guess I need to get out the car seat. Let's do it!"

Me: "Really? You want to! (Smile) I'm terrified! But honestly, if someone left a 4 year old on our doorstep, we'd take care of them. How is this any different? Let me call the Recruiter and tell her!"

Me to Recruiter: "We're terrified...but we'll do it!"

Recruiter: "Great - let me call the caseworker and we'll finalize the details. The placement will probably start tomorrow. I will call you to confirm"

Me: "Can you give us a list of likes/dislikes?"

Recruiter: "Sure (runs through a long list)"

About 10 minutes later -

Recruiter: "Well, I spoke with the county caseworker - they really feel strongly that this child should be in a stay at home parent home."

Me: "That's ok, I guess we're back to waiting for the right child"

Recruiter: "yep - I'll keep you posted"

Me texting Husband: "It's a no go - I guess God is just growing our faith"

Later that night -

Husband: "It's amazing really. It's like God is preparing us little by little to actually do this. First we almost said yes. Then we did say yes!"

Me: "Yeah. I feel like we were on an emotional roller coaster though! I'm so glad we have a God bigger then all this!"

Well...did you ride that emotional roller coaster with us? Like I said glad I am God is in control! I'll keep you posted about future possibilities!

On a more "lovely" note...we had an exciting Valentine's day around here! My husband bought us these adorable T-shirts that I've wanted for some time now! See here and here. I am proud to wear this shirt and it melts my heart when Husband wears his!

Also...we found out mid afternoon that my Sister L and her boyfriend D are engaged!!! Congrats to them - we are sooooo excited. We very much approve of D and love that he is going to be part of the family! He proposed in the middle of an ice rink and she was totally surprised. He even had someone to catch the moment on film!

Congrats L and D! We love you both!

I also wanted to take a quick minutes and thank Betty Beguiles for letting me enter her contest where I won this adorable dress! I truly admire this woman's passion for Modesty!

Time to get ready for church now...may your worship this morning be wonderful and God filled!

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