Saturday, February 21, 2009

A Snowy Saturday

Today has been a good day overall. Interesting for sure. A day of many dimensions.

This morning we went and picked up our monthly order from Angel Food Ministries (see here for where I first introduced this ministry). I was planning to take a picture but discovered that the camera batteries that were charging all night weren't actually charging. I am absolutely in love with this ministry. Husband has started volunteering there and he says that the Spirit of Servanthood that exists there is just incredible. They even have a new Allergen Free package of breaded meats (without gluten). We're going to try that package next month.

Speaking of trying new things, we did get a chance to try the new laundry soap, but as the aforementioned camera battery was depleted, there are no pictures yet. We washed a load of whites with it first, and it worked fairly well. No one has started itching yet! Next will be load of lights or towels...I'm slowly trying it out with each type of clothing for fear I'll ruin something. Seems to get things pretty clean too, though I think I'll keep adding bleach to the white loads.

After picking up the food this morning, we proceeded to spend 7 hours doing taxes. I am so glad we are pretty much done! Last year it was right down to the wire. I'm definitely not a big fan of doing taxes, but TurboTax is pretty helpful. I guess there's a free online version you can use, but I really enjoy being able to transfer the info from last year to this year. I will say this - doing your taxes together is definitely a marriage builder. Husband and I always know that it's going to be "stressful", so we try and plan fun breaks, snacks, or other ways to keep the tensions low. It doesn't always work. But it is good for us, and I foresee we'll keep doing them this way as long as we can.

To treat ourselves after the taxes were done, Husband played an hour of chess on the computer (I love my "nerd") and I was blessed to be able to take a nap to relieve the headache that I accumulated while doing the taxes. Then we were off to church where they held a date night and showed the new movie, Fireproof. If you haven't seen it, you definitely should! Every time I see it, I am reminded and refocused on things that are needed to make a marriage not only work, but to have a "fireproof marriage". I think God is really going to use this movie in big ways! I would love to get the Love Dare book and try it out in our marriage. It's neat to see couples watching the movie, especially couples who have been married all different lengths of time, and wonder what they're thinking about. I think it encourages all of us to put more effort into our marriage, and to let the love that God shows us be the love that we show our spouses. My heart goes out to each person that sees this film and is touched.

If you're reading this Husband - I pray that God will teach me how to love you more and more every single day!

Tomorrow is Sunday. Church and then recovering from taxes by catching up on housework. Sounds fun, doesn't it? :)

Oh, and it snowed today.

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